Our romantic little short ‘Rose Garden’ is now streaming on Sofy TV!
Check her out!
Our romantic little short ‘Rose Garden’ is now streaming on Sofy TV!
Check her out!
‘Here Lies Truth’ is screening on REVRY TV (a 24/7 queer live TV network) as part of the 2020 QueerX Film & Music Festival. Our short will screen 2-3 times daily and Little Blondie Films will be posting our show times and a watch link on their instagram.
To our donors, cast & crew, friends, family and all of the amazing people who brought BLOCK to life:
The production gods have spoken, and it’s official: BLOCK is done!
While we had to sadly cancel our June 2020 screenings, we are still moving forward by submitting to festivals, sharing our filming and post-production experience and expanding the BLOCK platform.
Check out our trailer!
And continue to follow our post-production journey on our website!
I directed and shot the boys of GreaseBall Productions in a short film to keep us sane during quarantine. Check it out below!
L’Orso (o La Testa Mangia) follows a couple of wise guys with a hot tip who are so smart they outsmart themselves!